The annual Covent Garden Rent Ceremony is just such a great event and, once again, I was thrilled to lead the procession around the piazza last week. The rent ceremony is a wonderful and very colourful occasion when members of the Covent Garden Area Trust pay a peppercorn rent of apples and flowers to freeholders of the land. This photo is of the 2013 event and has been kindly supplied by the Covent Garden Area Trust and is copyright Sheila Burnett.
Covent Garden Rent Ceremony 2014
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About the Author: Alan Myatt
In 2013, Alan celebrated 25 years as a town crier, toastmaster and themed character actor. His cry of ‘Oyez, Oyez, Oyez’ has been verified by the Guinness Book of Records along with the world record for vocal endurance, issuing a 100 word proclamation every 15 minutes for a period of 48 hours.
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